About Us
Barbara Eady, Lucinda Stevens and Wanda Owens founded the Cleveland Association of Black Storytellers in1995. These black women who are visionaries in their own right, knew stories that depicted African American history, culture and traditions are vital and should be formally promoted in Cleveland, Ohio. Our founders worked diligently to create a formal Association that continues to communicate all aspects of African and African American life.
The Cleveland Association of Black Storytellers became an affiliate member of the National Association of Black Storyteller on November 18, 1995 at the 13th Annual National Festival of Black Storytelling in Detroit, Michigan with 31 charter members including our distinguished co-founders, Barbara Eady, Lucinda Stevens and Wanda Owens. Today CABS has 45 members dedicated to the proliferation of Black Storytelling.
Our Mission
The mission of the Cleveland Association of Black Storytellers is to promote and perpetuate the art of Black Storytelling and the African Oral Tradition.
The National Association of Black Storytellers (NABS) is the vision of co-founders, Mother Mary Carter Smith and Linda Goss. They conceived the idea in 1982 to provide more opportunities to African American Storytellers. CABS is one 15 affiliates of (NABS). Each year NABS hosts an Annual National Black Storytelling Festival and Conference where storytellers from all over the country come together to preserve, share and celebrate the art of Black Storytelling.